Floor drains - Download


Caniveaux de sol

Easy installation

Thanks to the wide range of Tournus drain systems, it is always possible to find one that meets the exact needs of any installation. There are 120 models for use in canteen and restaurant kitchens and supermarkets, for tiles or resin floor coverings.

Characteristics applicable to all the floor drains:

  • small dimensions for the reservation : installation of the floor drains does not require any sunken area in the slab. A reserved hole or core drilling diameter 225 mm will be adequate.
  • outlet diameter 100 mm: this allows easy connection to the type of piping used most often.

Particular advantages:

  • floor drain with adjustable bowl: the bowl that supports the grating is independent; it is suitable for a combined slab + tiling depth of 55 to 150 mm. The slab waterproofing can be created with an overlap into the casing prior to applying the screed. The bowl can be moved in all directions to make it easier to lay the tiles.
  • floor drain with single-piece bowl: simplified model for installation without any need for re-waterproofing.
  • floor drain with vertical outlet: the removable funnel-type trap makes cleaning of the whole drain easier.
  • floor drain with horizontal outlet:lower heignt, thanks to the lateral outlet.
  • floor drain with off-centre outlet to make subsequent operations easier when an appliance which is difficult to move is going to be installed over the drain.


Tournus pays great attention to the design and manufacture of its products in order to be able to guarantee durable use under the best possible conditions.
  • durability with time:
    - made of stainless steel.
    - the trap housing is press-drawn, with no weld in the area under water.
    - the mesh size of the gratings is 19 x 19 mm, for easy passage of trolleys.
  • hygiene:
    - the depth of water is 60 mm, in accordance with the “DTU” requirements.
    - the outlet includes a cross to trap pieces of scrap
    - the gratings, with a choice of either stainless steel or galvanised, can be cleaned in a sink.
  • the high throughput:
    - 4 litres per second.

Stainless steel construction with stainless or galvanised gratin, mesh size 19 x 19 mm. Bowl with raduised press-drawn container, depth of water 60 mm, scrap bucket. Distributed load : 3 t/m2, concentrated load : 750 kg. Flow rate : 4 litres/second, outlet 100 mm.
Floor drain with adjustable bowl the body supporting the grating is independent, this floor drain is suitable for a slab + tiling depth of 55 to 150 mm. Its means the slab waterproofing can be created with overlaps into th casing prior to laying th tiles.
Floor drain with single-piece bowl the grating is set into the upper rim of the body. With this one-piece design, it is not possible to create the slab waterproofing with overlaps into the casing.

floor drains
W x L (mm)
floor drains with
adjustable bowl
stainless steel grating
floor drains with
adjustable bowl
galvanised grating
floor drains with
single-piece bowl
stainless steel grating
floor drains with
single-piece bowl
galvanised grating.
floor drains with
adjustable bowl
stainless steel grating
floor drains with
adjustable bowl
galvanised grating.
floor drains with
single-piece bowl
stainless steel grating
floor drains with
single-piece bowl
galvanised grating.
300 x 300 345 x 345 507 000 507 010 507 040 507 050 507 080 507 090 507 120 507 130
300 x 600 345 x 645 507 001 507 011 507 041 507 051 507 081 507 091 507 121 507 131
300 x 900 345 x 950 507 002 507 012 507 042 507 052 507 082 507 092 507 122 507 132
400 x 400 445 x 445 507 003 507 013 507 043 507 053 507 083 507 093 507 123 507 133
400 x 800 445 x 845 507 004 507 014 507 044 507 054 507 084 507 094 507 124 507 134
400 x 1200 445 x 1250 507 005 507 015 507 045 507 055 507 085 507 095 507 125 507 135
500 x 500 545 x 545 507 006 507 016 507 046 507 056 507 086 507 096 507 126 507 136
500 x 1000 545 x 1045 507 007 507 017 507 047 507 057 507 087 507 097 507 127 507 137
500 x 1500 545 x 1550 507 008 507 018 507 048 507 058 507 088 507 098 507 128 507 138

floor drains
W x L (mm)
floor drains with
adjustable bowl
stainless steel grating
floor drains with
adjustable bowl
galvanised grating
floor drains with
single-piece bowl
stainless steel grating
floor drains with
single-piece bowl
galvanised grating.
floor drains with
adjustable bowl
stainless steel grating
floor drains with
adjustable bowl
galvanised grating.
floor drains with
single-piece bowl
stainless steel grating
floor drains with
single-piece bowl
galvanised grating.
300 x 600 345 x 645 507 021 507 031 507 061 507 071 507 101 507 111 507 141 507 151
300 x 900 345 x 950 507 022 507 032 507 062 507 072 507 102 507 112 507 142 507 152
400 x 800 445 x 845 507 024 507 034 507 064 507 074 507 104 507 114 507 144 507 154
400 x 1200 445 x 1250 507 025 507 035 507 065 507 075 507 105 507 115 507 145 507 155
500 x 1000 545 x 1045 507 027 507 037 507 067 507 077 507 107 507 117 507 147 507 157
500 x 1500 545 x 1550 507 028 507 038 507 068 507 078 507 108 507 118 507 148 507 158

Non-contractual document The characteristics featured are subject to change with a view to improvement.